Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Week 85! Birthday!!! And Week 86-87

Well Hello World!
Its been a crazy week! But its been a great and wonderful week! We have had a few good experiences that have happened thus far!
I had an experience this week where I had to do an interview for an investigator being taught by Asian Elders in our area. It was a beautiful interview! This lady was telling me her life story. She is originally from Tai Wan. She grew up Christian and she has been searching for truth for many years! But then she moved here to Utah and she was really well taken care of. She was invited to go come to church and to learn more about the Gospel with the Asian Missionaries.
I asked her Why she wanted to be baptized and she said "I want to learn more". Cause me off guard cause I have never heard that before I asked her to just explain and she basically bore her testimony about how she knows that this is what she has been searching for! She found that this is the true Church that it has the same authority that was given to Christ Apostles when Christ was here on the Earth. And she said She wants to learn more about the True Church. That is the basis of what I got out of it. It was seriously on of the most refreshing and spiritual interviews I have done! :) I have never seen the Gospel bring so much light to someone in such a long time! It was great!
So my birthday was wonderful! I had a nice surprise by the sisters! haha

O the goodness of having such awesome Sisters in the Zone!

Thank you for the nice messages :) (And Starbust)
But I had a good birthday! It was nice! I forget though sometimes I am 22! I can't believe it! time just flys! And the day after my birthday I hit my 20 month mark! Time is just flying so fast!
So we had an awesome baptism for a girl I mentioned about earlier a blog or 2 ago. She just had her baptism on the 19th! And I have to say it has to be one of the most spiritual baptisms I have seen in a while! You could just see and feel that she was so prepared! And the cool thing was that her baptism was on the 19th and then her confirmation was on Easter Sunday! And she ask me to do the Honers and confirming her! It was a beautiful confirmation and afterward I stayed for their sacrament for Easter. It was cool they just had member come up and share a hymn they love and bear testimony why they loved that Hymn! And we did that for the whole sacrament meeting! It was cool! I really felt the spirit!
During the Easter week we had the Church launch an initiative called Because Of Him. We were asked to basically flood the internet with Messages of Christ and hashtag it with #BecauseofHim. It was a week of mainly that. and the Church came out with a video that is spreading like wildfire on the internet! If you haven't seen it here it is! I wish I could post the video but I can't :(
It is a great video! I Love it allot! It shows to me more meaning in the Atonement than ever before! This video was for Easter, but its not just an Easter Video! Christ's Atonement is meant for us to remember always! not just on Easter. I know Christ Lives and He loves us. He is Our Savior and Redeemer. I know that without a shadow of a Doubt. If any of you have questions about Christ and His purpose or how you can come closer to Jesus Christ, I invite you all to message me on Facebook and find out more on Christ and how to come closer to Him. 

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