So its been a great week! We have had allot of food on thanksgiving. We
SO I had had about 3 or 4 meals... We had an appointment at 12 then 2 then 4 then 6... The one at 6 we just had some desert... But we learned this the hard way. Turkey makes us really really tired. At our 2nd dinner we had a turkey and I was just struggling to stay up. It was no fun. But I survived! I just had to eat a little bit at a time... we were tire and sore from all the food and football we played yesterday. It was crazy!
Now Christmas is around the corner. and you know what that means? Christmas!
We helped our landlord with their Christmas tree. It was allot of fun! Plus I love Christmas music.
I had a cool experience this weekend! I got a text friday night about an excommunicated lady I taught in my first area. And I was told that the baptism was at 12 pm. But the problem was I had some appointments at that time so we weren't able to go...Or so I thought! the appointments fell through! So I called Jeff Law and told him to meet me in American Fork and lets go to Pleasent Grove! So we did. And she wasn't expecting me at all. But her face when she saw me come in was priceless. She was so happy. At the end of her baptism and confirmation she beared a very powerful testimony! She talked about how she see the Lord hand in her life and how she know that God And Jesus Christ live. It was so powerful! I was happy. I had to hold back the tears as I was giving the closing prayer. I realized that if I didn't make it her testimony may not have been strengthen on how Heavenly Father really loves her
I am so proud of her! She is awesome!
I realized that the Lords had is really in everything. if those appointments canceled I wouldn't have seen how much she has changed and came unto Christ! It awsome!
I know the Church is true and Christy Lives. i know his hand is in Everything I do! He loves all of us and he has a big plan for us. i love you all and I hope you all have a great week! :)
--Elder Gleed
I found it! We were so glad that you were able to come by for Thanksgiving. The kids really had fun playing pool and just horsing around with you! Fun memories!