Wednesday, June 4, 2014

I forgot my weeks... So from May 14, 2014- June 3, 2014

Hello everybody!

I am sorry for not keeping you all up on my blog! Life as a missionary gets really gets busy! And goes fast too! I can't believe how fast its going! Its already June and I go home in August! Time really flies when you serve the Lord with all your heart might mind and strength! So I'll just summarize the past...Month...again!
Over time we have seen allot of investigators and less actives progress well in the Gospel! This week we are going with a less active to the temple to do baptism's for the dead. And the same person who is doing baptisms for the dead got his baby blessed! Its awesome to see the progress.
We had a baptism for a young girl names Emily. She is 15 now and she has grown so much! we asked her what made her really finally want to be baptized? She said that the day we gave her a priesthood blessing she said she just knew. And we are going through the new member lessons before she moves back to California next week. But she is awesome and we have been so proud of her and her progress! She is really coming closer to Jesus Christ.
So this week I had to say goodbye to a great missionary. Elder Reher finished an honorable full time mission last Wednesday. I am proud of him and the example he gave to the missionaries in the zone, his companions and me. I will miss him but lucky the Lord has ways of crossing. Well see each other at BYU-I. Good Luck my friend :)
Elder Reher And I at the Lamoreaux's teaching about online Proselyting 
But I have a new companion now! His name is Elder Kepo'o (Que-Poe-Oh). he is from the Big Island of Hawaii. He is the second companion from that island too! He has been out for 19 months and has been doing great work in the area! He is motivated and ready to serve the Lord! I am excited to serve with him!

This week we had a few great lessons and we had a less active make a really big step in his conversion! So We visited him on earlier this week and we talked with him and for some reason he said he was going to go upon the stand on fast sunday and bear his testimony! And so we helped him gain confidence to do that. Then we had an appointment on Saturday cancel so we decided that since we were in the neighborhood we stopped by and see how he was doing. And he said that he really needed us to come at that time cause he wasn't sure if he could bear his testimony but when we came he said he just got some relief from us being there. Then On Sunday He got up and shared a powerful testimony! People were talking about it all throughout the block! It was a miracle! I was happy for him!
Well thats really as Much as I can give for this past month. Its been fun and exciting! This will be a fun new adventure in the area with my new companion. All I can say is that lets get to work! Have a great day everyone!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Week 85! Birthday!!! And Week 86-87

Well Hello World!
Its been a crazy week! But its been a great and wonderful week! We have had a few good experiences that have happened thus far!
I had an experience this week where I had to do an interview for an investigator being taught by Asian Elders in our area. It was a beautiful interview! This lady was telling me her life story. She is originally from Tai Wan. She grew up Christian and she has been searching for truth for many years! But then she moved here to Utah and she was really well taken care of. She was invited to go come to church and to learn more about the Gospel with the Asian Missionaries.
I asked her Why she wanted to be baptized and she said "I want to learn more". Cause me off guard cause I have never heard that before I asked her to just explain and she basically bore her testimony about how she knows that this is what she has been searching for! She found that this is the true Church that it has the same authority that was given to Christ Apostles when Christ was here on the Earth. And she said She wants to learn more about the True Church. That is the basis of what I got out of it. It was seriously on of the most refreshing and spiritual interviews I have done! :) I have never seen the Gospel bring so much light to someone in such a long time! It was great!
So my birthday was wonderful! I had a nice surprise by the sisters! haha

O the goodness of having such awesome Sisters in the Zone!

Thank you for the nice messages :) (And Starbust)
But I had a good birthday! It was nice! I forget though sometimes I am 22! I can't believe it! time just flys! And the day after my birthday I hit my 20 month mark! Time is just flying so fast!
So we had an awesome baptism for a girl I mentioned about earlier a blog or 2 ago. She just had her baptism on the 19th! And I have to say it has to be one of the most spiritual baptisms I have seen in a while! You could just see and feel that she was so prepared! And the cool thing was that her baptism was on the 19th and then her confirmation was on Easter Sunday! And she ask me to do the Honers and confirming her! It was a beautiful confirmation and afterward I stayed for their sacrament for Easter. It was cool they just had member come up and share a hymn they love and bear testimony why they loved that Hymn! And we did that for the whole sacrament meeting! It was cool! I really felt the spirit!
During the Easter week we had the Church launch an initiative called Because Of Him. We were asked to basically flood the internet with Messages of Christ and hashtag it with #BecauseofHim. It was a week of mainly that. and the Church came out with a video that is spreading like wildfire on the internet! If you haven't seen it here it is! I wish I could post the video but I can't :(
It is a great video! I Love it allot! It shows to me more meaning in the Atonement than ever before! This video was for Easter, but its not just an Easter Video! Christ's Atonement is meant for us to remember always! not just on Easter. I know Christ Lives and He loves us. He is Our Savior and Redeemer. I know that without a shadow of a Doubt. If any of you have questions about Christ and His purpose or how you can come closer to Jesus Christ, I invite you all to message me on Facebook and find out more on Christ and how to come closer to Him. 

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Week 84

Well good morning world!
What a week! We have had crazy things going on! We have been crazy busy! We have had our Monthly MLC (Mission Leadership Council) with all the Zone Leaders and Sister Training Leaders. We had nothing major that has changed. President did pull an April fools joke on us by telling us that the mission was going to be split into 3 missions... then he pulled up on the projector what he said was going to be the boundaries of the missions and it said April Fools! Haha president you have a really good sense of humor!
We just had a new temple policy come out! SO this is the new policy for the temple. We are now only allowed to go once a quarter and it has to be on a P-day unless the temple is not open then. But heres the cool part! We can go with Recent Converts and Less Actives for their Live ordinance or first time doing baptism for the dead. And this is the cool part! We can go to any temple with them in Utah County or Salt lake county! SO that means all temples from Bountiful to Manti we can go with them to those temples. AND also we have permission to go to family members live ordinances in the temple too! So that's cool!
So Conference! Conference was amazing! I had the wonderful opportunity to attend the Saturday Morning Session of Conference. I was made a group leader/babysitter haha it was good though! We didn't go on temple square we just went straight to the conference center. This was my group! Or some of them actually
It was great! I enjoyed it! I loved hearing the speakers! They said some very wonderful things that have made me really think on how I can improve myself and how I can be better! I plan on studying the things that were taught and my notes to make this possible.
Over all this week has been hectic!!! I mean its been crazy! We had a leadership council with the leaders and the Mission President for 6 hours! Then we had allot of planning for our Zone Training Meeting, then do our actual Zone Training Meeting. Then We had to organize how people in our Zone are going to go to conference and what their companion will do while their other Companion goes to Conference... Yeah its a crazy Week. We had to hand someone off to the missionaries that are actually suppose to be teaching an investigator and we were getting allot of people getting frustrated with us cause we want to do the right thing!... Yeah its a crazy week haha But I'm good now :)
I learned a very important step that we must do in a crazy world or crazy time from a talk called Come What May and Love It- Joseph B. Wirthlin. He said the following:
"The first thing we can do is learn to laugh. Have you ever seen an angry driver who, when someone else makes a mistake, reacts as though that person has insulted his honor, his family, his dog, and his ancestors all the way back to Adam? Or have you had an encounter with an overhanging cupboard door left open at the wrong place and the wrong time which has been cursed, condemned, and avenged by a sore-headed victim?
There is an antidote for times such as these: learn to laugh." 
So thats something I figured we must always do in times of craziness. Come what may and love it! I wish I knew Elder Wirthlin more!                                   
I Love this Gospel. I love The Lord. He is good. I am thankful for the opportunity I had to go to Conference and to hear the words of a Prophet and his Apostles. What a great strength it is to us all!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Week 83

Man I can't believe it! The mission is going so fast! I can't believe I am already out 19 months and this is the last General Conference I will have on my mission! I am amazed at how fast its going!
The great thing was how I have been able to see the Lords hand in the work I am doing. I have also been blessed to see that He is the one who is hastening it. Its just amazing to see! I love the Lord. He is good!
So my week has been eventful! SO for starters we have had some exchanges with the assistance to the President. I mean its a big deal cause all that is like the Missionaries right under the President. Everything that I do will be told to president! So I was told that I must stay in the area and my companion was going to the assistance area...Well here we are doing the exchange. We had a lesson with a lady named Maryann. She is catholic and has lived in Utah for 10 years. She is really spiritual and really wants to find ways to get closer to God. So we had a lesson plan about the  Plan of salvation. I was excited to share it! And this was the first time I have ever met Maryann. However we had a fellowshipper that really changed the lesson. In fact he took over. Instead of doing a lesson on the Plan Of Salvation he forced the lesson to the restoration. And yes he was pushing for it. Every time we were trying to get the lesson to the Plan of Salvation he was changing it to the restoration. He was moving the lesson like he had a plan and he was doing it! He even asked us if we could bear our testimony to our investigator! What?!?! Our job as representatives of Jesus Christ is not to be fellowshippers or to be treated like one! O I was furious!!!!
But I did learn to keep my cool and not over react. But the important thing that we have communication with the fellowshippers so that we may work together in unity and help others to come unto Christ. We should always make sure that we realize that we are all on the same team. And that's why its important we always stay united and make sure we are always on the same page in the work of salvation. The Hastening of the work was not just the Age change. But it was also through the members and missionarys working together. As  President Monson said, "Now is the time for members and missionaries to come together, to work together, to labor in the Lord’s vineyard to bring souls unto Him. He has prepared the means for us to share the gospel in a multitude of ways, and He will assist us in our labors if we will act in faith to fulfill His work." So overall I learned we must be in constant contact with our fellowshippers if we are to hasten this work. This is the Lords way of doing it!
Here is something that has been good though this week! There is this girl we are teaching that finally got an answer to her prayers! We had a lesson with her nonmember Mom and the lesson went good! This was the crazy thing that happened after the lesson.
So she gets in the car with her mom and the mom tells her Straight up that she is holding herself back! She said the Missionaries asked her a questions but she was just beating around the bush not giving us a straight answer. You Believe it Her Mom said. Then Our investigator said I kindof do. You Believe it Her Mom said again, Then Our investigator said something like Ok I mostly believe it. Then her mom says again You Believe it! Kindof reminds me of Christ asking Peter "Do you Love me?" And finally our investigator said "OK I BELIEVE IT ALL! THATS WHY I LOVE READING THE BOOK OF MORMON THATS WHY I LIKE IT ALLOT!"... Quite amazing experience she shared with us. And so she is now accepting to be baptized. the crazy thing is she practically knows everything! Although the funny thing is we asked about the Word of Wisdom and she said High Fructose Corn Syrup is part of the Word of Wisdom haha  Made my life!! But shes good! She is golden!
I love this work I love this area! There are challenges and trials we face. But the Lord is so good and so loving. I have been so blessed! With out Him I wouldn't be this happy to be in the work. His Love gives me Purpose in the things I do.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Week 82

Hello world!
Well I got your package! My comp was mad cause he was expecting a really big package and he was excited and thought that it was his go he grabs it at the front door and he turns around slowly and gets in that car and says its for you haha made him very excited for a little bit haha
So this week we have had allot of good things happen! We had a new investigator name Arden that is very prepared! Like we taught the restoration to her and it was like literally on of the most powerful lessons I have had in a while! But with every Good thing there is opposition in everything. So she has problems with faith, believing in something she can't see. And she lives in Alpine... And we had another lesson with her and felt like she needs to be taught there. Even though we got the OK from the Elders there. But we feel like she needs to be taught there haha So yeah!
But all in all its been a good week in the fact that we had more lessons this week than ever since I have been in this area. And we have a investigator that has been taught before the beginning of my mission. And he just accepted to be on date!! Its awesome!!!
We had a cool experience on Sunday. Remember the young girl I talked about in my last blog entry about how she wasn't sure about being baptized since she doesn't see that if she doesn't have a desire to repent of her mistakes she should have to repent especially if she is going to do them over and over again.  
Well we caught the tail end of a fireside with a former mission president and we go there and see her there! I was talking to someone and my companion actually ran into her after the fireside and they started with small talk then she just comes out and says I want to take the lessons again and I possibly want to be baptized... Elder Reher said he was playing it cool and he was being professional. But deep down inside it was like it was a new years party of excitement! haha It was a miracle! I was so happy!
Well everyone I am grateful to be in the service of my God. He is amazing and wonderful. I know he lives and loves all of us. He has been so good.  

Monday, March 24, 2014

Week 77-81 woops!


Well I guess I have been so busy in the missionary life that I feel like I just neglect everything on my blog haha So I will give a brief update on what has happen so far. This some of the things I sent to my mom and other people.
March 3, 2014
So we found out something the other day. So we knew that in a couple weeks we are going to have a stake conference. And That there is going to have a reorganization of the stake presidency. But then we find out a couple days ago thats not only that but they are splitting and reorganizing the stake into a new stake! So thats very unexpected... So the area will be changing! Its crazy!!! And I guess the stake just founbd out like a week or 2 ago! So this is all new!
SO I have some exciting news! I just got my transfer call! And guess what?!'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
I am Leaving! And not only that! I am now becoming a Zone Leader In the Orem windsor area! And I am a zone leader over my first area Lindon!!!!!! I am so excited! Its going to be awesome!!! This will be a great few transfers! :) This will be fun! :D
We have had a good week! Its been a great week where people are coming unto Christ and things are falling into place. The area is getting there and is getting allot better. We are seeing allot of miracles here its awesome!
I really don't have much to report Mom. O and Elder Lewandowski is now a district leader in my place. Its awesome!
We had a baptism for an 8 year old kid that we taught cause the young kid didn't know anything about God or Jesus Christ. But we taught him and he understands everything it was awesome! I got to confirm him at the baptism it was a great sight to see :) I love that kid!
March 10-17
So I am now in Orem Windsor area at this time
So the Zl life is good. I am liking it. But the thing is there is more responsibility now than before. So it can cause some stress but its good.
My Comp is cool too. His name is Elder Reher (Sounds like Rare). Hes from California Fresno area. He has been out for 21 months. So for once I am not the Senior Companion haha But hes cool!
The area I am in is the Orem Windsor area. It covers 3 stakes and its basically the north Eastern part of orem. The funny thing was that I actually served in this area when I was with the Zone Leaders when Elder Jarman left me. So I have an understanding of the area already. infact I have some investigators and LARCs that I remember teaching when I was in that area for 4 weeks. So this is pretty awesome. And my zone basically covers my 1st area lindon! so I get to see people who I have been around before so this is going to be awesome!
I had the opportunity to go back to a baptism for Kutler Frampton! Funny thing was I met this guy like back in November at a youth activity and back then he wasn't interested in the missionary discussions. But then a couple months later he comes up to us and says I want to be baptized! Pretty much a shocker to me! But it was awesome! He was willing to keep the commitments we left him and he really wants to come closer to Christ. He understood everything in the lessons and was baptized eventually on March 8th! It was a good baptism! 
The funny thing was the font wasn't filled up all the way so he had to really bend down and to get under the water haha it was a great and wonderful time! I enjoyed it!

Orem has been nice. We haven't taught as much in this area as Eagle Mountain But we can get this area up and running! Its a great area. And being close to Lindon allows me to get in contact with all recent converts and people there. Good things will happen soon!
We had a couple of cool experiences yesterday. First we were in church and this guy says in priesthood I have some clothing to give away. Shoes suits and pants that are brand name clothing. Well we talked to the guy and he said come over. So we did and this clothing is... legit brands! I got Levi skinny jeans, J. Crew ties and a really nice tan suit from J. Crew! And my comp also got a new suit as well that was from H&M. And this stuff is good quality and was well tailored. It was awesome! I don't know if I can wear the suit though on my mission. But we will see :)

This Tie looks like a quilt. #Tieuntradable

  I look like a talk show host haha
And also I actually met a family that was a really amazing family. Very smart but very open to hearing the gospel. And I don't know, I feel like I know them and I was suppose to meet them. its weird I haven't had that in a while. Its pretty cool the spirit was strong as we taught them.
Elder Reher and I are doing good! We have allot of the same goals as missionaries and desires for the area and our Zone. We have been doing random things for the missionaries in the zone and it just feels good. I love it. 
But Yeah I am still getting the hang of being a zone leader. It allot more challenging than I thought. But I am excited for it!
We are really starting to see how working with leadership and meeting with members before a lesson is amazing! It really helps gain trust in the members when you meet and discuss this plan. We had a lesson where we met with a member before a lesson. and she said some very confidential things about the investigator that was good to be aware of. And we had the lesson, but the investigator had some major problems with repentance. She said she doesn't see that if she doesn't have a desire to repent of her mistakes she should have to repent especially if she is going to do them over and over again. 
The crazy thing is that because we met with the member before hand we probably wouldn't have had her trust. But she went along with the things we had for her. And the things we were saying  really made the investigator think and we told her to call us when she decided if she wants to continue to meet with us or not. So we are taking a break from her. But We will stop by this week and see how she is doing. but it was a very intense lesson.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Week 76

Hello world!
I can say I am very Very happy that Seattle won their first Superbowl!!!! :) Haha Thats my team!!!! Thats the best!
So this week we had allot of good experiences. I had my first Skype lesson this week for a guy in Australia that I met in Europe It went great! He didn't accept the message but it was a good conversation. Plus we fulfilled our purpose as missionary which was to invite him to come unto Christ. So it was no failure at all :) It was a cool experience non the less!
We met a less active guy, Who was in his 60s, the other day. He has a daughter that lives with him thats not a member. But what was funny that she was the one who said her dad needs a blessing! Which was shocking cause she had more faith than him and she wasn't a member. Crazy. And not only that she went to church even though her dad didn't. Plus the Ward was very supportive and introduced themselves to her. it was awesome! :) She may be a golden investigator! 
We had an investigator say her first pray out loud! It was completely unexpected! I have been wanting her to say one for the past time I have been in this area! It was a miracle in of itself! I was happy! 
I am grateful to be here at this time. There is allot happening. The Lords hand is literally in this work. And its amazing!  I love it!
I am sad that I was not able to see grandmas funeral but I am happy that the funeral went well. I know this is where she wants me to be right now. There is no other place in the world I could be. I just want to post a poem that she wrote that I love so much.

I'm grateful for the blessings the Lord has given me.
I'm thankful for the ones I feel, as well as those I see.
I know my Heavently Father has blessed me with his love,
I know he wants me someday to dwell with Him above.

He blessed me with a family and home beyond compare,
I know that he expects me to all my blessings share.
I'm thankful for the friends I have, I admire
I'm pleased to know their company, of which I never tire.

I'm glad I live in America the land of brave and free.
I know that it's the greatest land that will ever be.
The things for which I'm thankful are the common, well known few
And yet they're the most important that ever come to you.

What do ya wanna know?